Wednesday 7 December 2011


A black and white fight is shown between two teenage girls with music being the only sound accompanying the action. The argument takes place in a forest.

Faye awakes on the morning of 1st November to her alarm clock ringing. She is reluctant to stop the alarm ringing and to get out of bed. On the floor of her bedroom her belongings, a mobile phone, jacket, scarf, torch and money are scattered. She collects these belongings into a rucksack and walks towards her bedroom door after hearing her roommate call, “a parcel has arrived for you.” This causes her to look agitated as she hurries down the stairs in order to retrieve the parcel. She looks around before she opens it to make sure that her roommate doesn't see what it is: inside is book on witchcraft. Faye puts the book inside her rucksack and puts on her shoes and jacket before unlocking the front door and leaving with the rucksack. She walks over the gravelled driveway to the driver’s door before pulling away from the drive.

The atmosphere of the forest appears to be calm and ordinary as Faye stands and observes the families and dog walkers who are present. She begins to walk down a footpath to a secluded part of the forest where she envisages she’ll be alone. She takes out the witchcraft book and runs her fingers down the spine in inspection and carefully flicks through the pages before looking up to check that nobody is nearby. When she returns to look back at the book she notices the page for the magic that can reverse past mistakes, the page she was intending to look for. It is here when her mobile phone beeps to tell her she has received a text message from one of her friends and there are a few missed calls as well. She doesn't realise nor read the message. She begins to trace her fingers over the page with this particular spell on it. She mutters the words of the spell and then slams the cover of the book shut as though she is alarmed by it. The tense atmosphere begins to build as she walks away briskly from the area which has become unnerving. She imagines that there is somebody else present with her and becomes frightened. She closes her eyes out of fear and wakes up in bed.

Faye wakes up she breathes a sigh of relief. She goes to switch off her alarm which is ringing and realises that the date on the clock is the same as yesterdays. She looks confused but puts the clock down and rubs her eyes in disbelief. She gets up and begins to gather the same belongings into the bag. Her room-mate shouts from downstairs that a parcel has arrived. Faye responds, questioning her by stating that the parcel came yesterday. Her roommate is confused, but calmly tells her “no, no the parcel arrived today.” Faye grabs her bag and runs downstairs and sees the parcel there still unwrapped. She puts on her jacket and coat and leaves the house again.

She arrives at the forest and sits down with the book in the same spot as she was in the previous day. She mutters the spell again unaware of the new messages that are flashing on her phone. She looks around her as she imagines she can hear voices and is shown running back towards her car.

She wakes up in bed again and looks at the time and date on the clock. She lies back down on the bed in frustration, closes her eyes and leaves alarm ringing.
On what is assumed the be the fourth repeat of the 1st November she runs down stairs after stopping the alarm ringing to find her roommate. Her roommate begins to tell her that a parcel has arrived for her but Faye interrupts her, explaining angrily about her frustration with the repetition of the days. The room-mate is confused and tries to comfort her. Faye goes on to explain to her roommate about the book that she bought and that she wanted it to correct a past mistake.

Faye is shown running through the forest looking scared and upset. She lifts her phone from her pocket and it is shown that the date is still 1st November.

A montage shows the further repetition of the days as she is shown multiple times to be gathering up her things and putting on her shoes and jacket, mimicking the first time she left to go to the forest.

Faye wakes up calmly and turns off the alarm clock. She sighs and as she leaves her room she walks past all of her belongings. As she slowly walks down the stairs she calls out to her roommate asking her if anything has arrived. Surprised by her question, the roommate responds telling “yes, it’s just come through the door.” Faye gives her roommate a smile as she takes the parcel from her and puts on her shoes and jacket. The shoes and jacket she puts on are different to the ones she has been wearing on the other days. She walks away from the door towards the car with the book in hand. Arriving in the forest she goes to sit in the same spot she has sat in on the previous days. As she glances around her, her mobile phone on the grass beside her begins to bleep continuously as an influx of text messages come through. She reads through the messages all from her friend who she tells her room-mate about when she is upset. The messages are all about the friend forgiving her and asking if Faye is OK. She tosses the book into some of the nearby bushes, symbolic of her now understanding that the situation is alright and she doesn't need to reverse anything anymore. She walks away from the book towards her car again. The next time she wakes up she realises that the date has moved forward to the next day. 

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