Thursday 8 December 2011

Breakdown of Shots

To further our planning progress the group began to outline specific individual scenes and more clear ideas for frames and camera movements to help us when it came to filming. It also will be a helpful guide during the editing process as it shows a more detailed structure in addition to the one we developed following the production of our treatment, script and storyboard. We anticipated as well that we needed to be able to show an audience that the 'time-loop' was in effect, so laying out out potential shot sequences meant we could be more efficient and not film certain scenes multiple times. This helped for initial filming ideas but also was flexible for us to adapt as we wanted when filming.

OPENING: ARGUMENT - (Black + White, Silent)
Two girls are both upset and shouting, shot from various angles.

1. Faye sits up in bed looking scared, alarm sound can be heard
2. Shot of her hand switching off the alarm and it's sound, lasts long enough so that the date and time on clock can be seen
3. Close up of objects on the floor. See girl scrambling to put them all in her bag, her face cannot be seen. As she is doing this a voice from downstairs can be heard telling her a parcel has arrived for her
4. Camera tracks her as she stands up with bag, then remains still as she walks away from it towards the door which she closes behind her
5. Camera is at the bottom of the stairs, (high angle) and stays still as she runs towards it quickly
6. Close up of delivery parcel is shown
7. Over the shoulder shot as she opens the parcel to reveal a book, she anxiously flicks over some of the pages
8. Medium shot of her glancing to check that no one has seen her before then putting it inside her bag
9. Close up of her sitting on the bottom step putting on shoes
10. Close up of her zipping up her jacket
11. Close up of her hand snatching keys from the table
12. Close up of her hand picking up her bag
13. Shot of her hand opening the door handle
14. Shot of her slamming the door behind her

15. Walking away through forest, camera tracking her from behind
16. Low angle shot as she sits down on the spot she's picked

17. Close up on her bag as she takes her book out: it follows the book around and we see her hand stroking the spine and flicking through the pages
18. Long shot of her looking around to see if anybody is watching her
19. She goes back to flicking through until she finds the page she wants
20. Camera close up on her face, she smiles gently 

21. Mobile phone close up as it beeps for a new message
22. Cuts back to a close up of her running her finger over the page 

23. Close up on her face as she mutters words to the spell under her breath with her eyes closed.

24. Wakes up in bed with the alarm ringing and breathes a sigh of relief
25. Shot of her switching off alarm showing the date
26. Close on her as she is sat up, looks confused and rubs her eyes
27. Shot of the clock again
28. Shot face on to Faye - shown getting out of bed and gathering belongings: voice off tells her that a parcel came for her yesterday. She looks up (not into the camera) and responds saying, "no, it came yesterday." Mother responds as Faye gets her last belonging, "no, no, the parcel arrived just now."
29. Tracking shot as she grabs her bag and runs out of the door, shutting it behind her. 

30. Camera is at bottom of stairs and still as she runs towards it quickly
31. Close up of delivery
32. Close up of zipping jacket
33. Close up of snatching keys
34. Close up of picking up bag
35. Shot of her opening door handle
36. Shot of her slamming door

37. Shot of her sat cross legged, slight high angle, she is muttering spell again under her breath
38. Phone message beeping can be heard which startles her and she jumps up
39. Begins to run away looking over her should. 

(Series of shots in a montage to show the passing of yet more days)

40. Wakes up looking at clock's date
41. Close up on the clock's date and time

42. Throws clock on the floor in desperation
43. Runs down the stairs without the bag - camera follows her from behind over the shoulder as she approaches her mother. 
44. Shot reverse shot conversation between the two regarding the time-loop.

45. Close up on her bag as she takes her book out: it follows the book around and we see her hand stroking the spine and flicking through the pages
46. Long shot of her looking around to see if anybody is watching her
47. She goes back to flicking through until she finds the page she wants
48. Camera close up on her face, she smiles gently 

49. Mobile phone close up as it beeps for a new message
50. Cuts back to a close up of her running her finger over the page 

51. Close up on her face as she mutters words to the spell under her breath with her eyes closed.
52. Faye is running through the forest scared and upset. Extreme close up to show her fear.

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